生成式演算藝術家 Generative Artist / 墨雨互動設計創辦人
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他的作品不僅視覺上呈現絢麗之美,還在虛擬與現實之間建立起情感與靈魂的橋樑,引領觀眾探索世界本質與數位生命接觸的詩意維度。他最為人熟知的作品包括在 Artblocks 平台上的「Seaham 海火腿」、「Electriz 電子實驗室」、「CryptoPochi 波奇」、「SoulFish 靈魂魚」、「The Soul of Flowers 花的靈魂」、「Urban Contour 城市輪廓」。
Che-Yu Wu, a contemporary new media artist from Taiwan, infuses his works with algorithms, crafting eternal life and emotions in the digital realm. Rooted at the intersection of engineering and art, he delves into nature, physics, modern art, and mathematics. By employing advanced algorithms and interactive technologies, Wu bestows a unique language and vitality to digital art.
Che-Yu’s works not only showcase visual brilliance but also forge an emotional and spiritual connection between the virtual and the real. Through his art, he invites viewers to delve into poetic dimensions where the essence of the natural world harmonizes with the touch of digital life. Among his most acclaimed works are "Seaham" on Artblocks, "Electriz," "CryptoPochi," "SoulFish," "The Soul of Flowers," and "Urban Contour.”
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cheyuwu345/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheyuwu345/
作品集 Portfolio:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bBfI8uUvYJUqZ5s0Q4QcTrR3zC3kxnrgVaByxuCFvGI/edit#slide=id.g16d991fdab0_0_194 (Full)
Short Version:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheyuwu345
StreetVoice: https://streetvoice.com/frank890417/songs/
個人網站 Personal Website:https://cheyuwu.com/
Street Voice: https://streetvoice.com/frank890417/
快速連結 Portaly:https://portaly.cc/cheyuwu_en
CV: https://hackmd.io/iqCoVGVATm-xEloPigNyUw?both
BD Presentation: Link